Cine AV – Supporting your business as cinemas reopen

With the global pandemic impacting all lives, Cinema is no exception...

July 19, 2020

As screens have now been dark for many weeks, Cine AV is here to help support you. So, when you can once again invite your customers to see the latest Hollywood movies in your theaters, your projection and systems will be back up and running and performing to their optimum best.

As the projectors and other equipment require careful powering on and off, plus a regular power cycles in between, Cine AV can assist you by phone, email or even on site to help minimize disruption to your business. All Digital Cinema projectors and spare parts with a battery inside need to be managed. Over time, batteries drain, and low batteries create issues when re-booting a projector or the board. Please contact for more information and help on items requiring battery identification and replacement.